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£ 5.59
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Casa Noha: Entry Ticket
Supplied by: Casa Noha

View an awe-inspiring recreation of Matera through the centuries

What's included

  • Admission to Casa Noha
  • Film presentation
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Guided tour

Know before you go

Last film shown 30 minutes before closing time
. Maximum capacity of the venue: 8 people
. Last projection is at 16:05


  • Get a great introduction to the fascinating Sassi and see how the ancient cave dwellers lived Explore the levels of a 16th-century family home - don't miss the original wallpaper in the kitchen Learn the history of Matera through the centuries in an awe-inspiring recreation with video and multimedia exhibits


If you're planning to visit the unique and fascinating Sassi di Matera, this 25-minute multimedia exhibit gives you a great introduction. Explore three rooms of a 16th-century family home, see how the Sassi's early inhabitants lived, and uncover Matera's fascinating history.

Cancellation policy


Venue address

Casa Noha
Recinto Cavone, 9
Product map